Sharing expertise.

DECEMBER 16 2024
6 questions to Alexandra Detillieu
Alexandra has been our trainee for the last 3 months. We took advantage of a coffee break on her last day of work to ask her a few questions. ( ... )read more.

When the cyberstorm hits, your lighthouse needs to be lit
A lighthouse without its signal is just a tower in the dark. #DORA, the Digital Operational Resilience Act, is - as you well know- the EU’s framework to strengthen cybersecurity in financial institutions. It focuses on ensuring that systems can withstand and recover from digital threats. We say that operational resilience isn’t just technical, it’s about communication too and your reputation. ( ... )read more.

NOVEMBER 15 2024
Crisis management - a major challenge for the years ahead
Among the most striking images of 2024 will definitely be those of the Valencia disaster on 29 October. These videos, documenting an episode described as an ‘apocalypse’, are currently making their way into the media and are being repeated in social media ‘Reels’. ( ... )read more.

OCTOBER 25 2024
"Wat kascht e Kriseplang?" - The cost of a Crisis Plan or... The price of not having one....
Cyrille Horper, Senior Advisor in the Apollo Strategists team, works closely with our clients and partners to develop tailor-made crisis plans. In this testimonial, Cyrille shares his in-depth expertise, offering valuable insight into strategic approaches and best practice in crisis management. ( ... )read more.

Welcome Alexandra!
We’re happy to welcome our new intern, Alexandra Detillieu. ( ... )read more.

AUGUST 23 2024
The Evolutionary Branding Game: Survive or Thrive?
In the grand game of survival, it’s not the strongest or the smartest who come out on top ( ... )read more.

APRIL 30 2024
Recruitment closed
The recruitment process for the 'Strategist' position is now closed. We appreciate all your applications, the inspiring discussions we've had, and most importantly, the wonderful individuals we've met along the way. Our decision has been made, the perfect fit found, and the contract signed. Thank you! ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 17 2024
Once upon a time, there was storytelling in 2024
In 2024, storytelling is reinventing itself, transforming public relations with new perspectives and opportunities, reflecting the rapid changes in the way we communicate and interact with our audiences. ( ... )read more.

NOVEMBER 28 2023
What gets measured gets managed
Did you know? According to a recent survey conducted by Muck Rack, 47% of PR professionals allocate a quarter of their time to media measurement and reporting. Curious to dive deeper into these insights? ( ... )read more.

OCTOBER 4 2023
Does choosing mean giving up?
Only a few days to go until the 2023 Luxembourg general elections, and with them a series of crucial political issues for the country. Is the coalition in power since 2013, made up of the DP, LSAP and déi gréng, about to continue its three-way journey? Nothing is certain. ( ... )read more.

JUNE 27 2023
5 years of RGPD: is the label of trust established or is its legitimacy still contested?
The RGPD, a king without a crown in search of legitimacy? Not quite, according to our LinkedIn survey: 50% of consumers place more trust in companies that communicate transparently about data protection, while the other 50% do not, particularly. Discover the challenges of the RGPD - particularly in relation to AI-related risks -, after 5 years of entry into force. ( ... )read more.

JUNE 8 2023
Luxembourg local elections : inclusive governance and economic vision
Discover the importance of understanding market issues during election periods in Luxembourg! Local elections influence the economy, the business climate and the outlook for companies. How to seize opportunities, anticipate challenges and promote inclusive governance? ( ... )read more.

MAY 30 2023
Luxembourg, a multicultural crossroads and cradle of opportunity with cosmopolitan communication
Focus on the key figures in the new STATEC report that highlights the demographic evolution of Luxembourg… Turn figures into opportunities, encounters into collaborations, and differences into strengths! ( ... )read more.

MAY 23 2023
Double vote, major stakes: communication and reputation during the election period in Luxembourg
How can companies take advantage of the political agenda in Luxembourg in 2023? Discover the keys to successful communication during an election period. ( ... )read more.

MAY 11 2023
How can EU policies strengthen the communication of Luxembourg companies on the international scene?
As a major player on the international scene, the European Union encourages communication and cooperation between member countries and the European institutions. But how can EU policies strengthen the communication of Luxembourg companies, especially if they seek to extend their reach to an international audience? In this post-Europe Day period, let's take a look at the challenges and opportunities of EU policy for communication in Luxembourg. ( ... )read more.

MAY 3 2023
Press freedom: Luxembourg back in the top 20
Luxembourg regains its 20th place in 2023, after losing its place in the top 20 in 2022. This is according to the annual Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index, published today, on the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, which celebrates its 30th anniversary this year. Luxembourg is making slight progress but what about the state of press freedom in the world, as we face more than ever the emergence of Artificial Intelligence? ( ... )read more.

APRIL 18 2023
How to avoid the bread falling on the buttered side?
The famous Murphy's Law! The one that makes the computer shut down when you haven't yet saved the super-important document you were working on, the one that makes it rain every time you take a day off, or the one that makes the slides refuse to display during an important presentation... Murphy's Law is well known: anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. And crises are no exception. The crisis will not have the courtesy to wait until 10am Monday morning to strike. But what if Murphy's Law was instead a hymn to preparation? A call to anticipate, identify risks and put in place a crisis communication plan? ( ... )read more.

APRIL 4 2023
Media April Fools' Day, fake news, AI: a story not to be swallowed
Jokes published the media on April 1st are a well-established media tradition, expected by some and feared by others, accused of confusing the plethora of information, true or false, to which we have access today. So, does April Fool's Day in the media add another layer to our difficulty in decoding information? Or would it play a relevant role in the fight against misinformation? What about Artificial Intelligence, an accelerator or an aid in identifying fake news? Whatever the case, the fight against disinformation is becoming increasingly crucial. Dive with us into the murky waters of information! ( ... )read more.

FEBRUARY 16 2023
Advanced Training: “Développez votre stratégie commerciale” - Lou Weis
On the second edition of the Paperjam+Delano Business Club Advanced Training: “Développez votre stratégie commerciale”, our colleague Lou Weis shed some light as to why it is important for companies to know about the market, their value proposition and their positioning. ( ... )read more.

FEBRUARY 28 2023
10x6 Women on Board - Pascale Kauffman
Watch the video intervention of our CEO, Pascale Kauffman, during the 10x6 Women on Board, organised on 28 February by the Paperjam + Delano Business Club, where she highlighted the fact that the two elements of the success of the boards of companies are undoubtedly the diversity and the mix of skills. ( ... )read more.

MARCH 23 2023
Overcoming the storm with crisis communication
Strong winds of criticism or torrential downpours of discontent can cause significant damage to the reputation of a company or organization. It's a bit of a Scottish shower on the company, so strategic decisions need to be made. Crisis communication, public relations... will help companies weather the storm. ( ... )read more.

MARCH 9 2023
The must-know communication numbers for better results!
Between social media, whose importance no longer needs to be demonstrated, new technologies, a constantly changing information landscape, and a continuous flow of live information, the world of communication and public relations has undergone a profound and rapid transformation in Luxembourg and around the world in recent years. To keep up, here are some figures to keep in mind. ( ... )read more.

MARCH 1 2023
Woman on Board
Two elements for the success of companies’ boards are definitely diversity and the mix of skills. ( ... )read more.

FEBRUARY 14 2023
Why is radio still a valuable media for your communications in Luxembourg?
Yesterday, and as every year on the 13th of February, the International Day of the Radio celebrated the importance of this communication media, which remains a crucial tool for organizations to reach and communicate with their target audience. But why is it still so valuable? ( ... )read more.

Getting out of a crisis: dangerous times!
Don’t be too quick to claim “victory”. Coming out of a crisis is a delicate moment. We turn the crisis off, everything goes back to the way it was. Really? To the way it was? The principle is not to do everything “as before”, but to become aware of what has changed, and to question oneself in order to do things differently in the future and be able to succeed. So, how can you prepare to successfully exit a crisis and come out on top? ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 26 2023
Space Oddities XI, beyond art
Imagine the strategic communications advisory company Apollo Strategists, and the American-Luxembourgish artist-photographer Keven Erickson. Two local names, two different universes, which meet through their passion for space and their desire to inspire and engage in dialogue. A collaborative effort that gave birth to Space Oddities XI, an artwork in a limited edition of 11 prints, created especially for the 11th anniversary of Apollo in 2023, a year characterised by resilience. ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 24 2023
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Crises chase one another. So, you must be prepared. Have we said it already? That’s because it really is the key. And yet, unsurprisingly, the results of our survey confirm that companies say they are prepared, but they have never tested their plan through a simulation exercise. ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 19 2023
The paradox of the “no comment”
“The company did not wish to comment”. You were reading an article on the media about the loss of X number of jobs in Luxembourg at the company Doe, and you come to this sentence. No comment… a few words that become paradoxical because they communicate a message, and not the right one, because they will inevitably make you think that the company has something to hide. So, in order not to deprive yourself of an opportunity to communicate, what strategy should you consider? ( ... )read more.

DECEMBER 22 2022
New year, new opportunities
Time marches on. 2022 is coming to an end. You have certainly started wrapping your presents, creating Christmas biscuits or watching your favourite Christmas movies. ( ... )read more.

DECEMBER 15 2022
The 2023 company will be resilient, or it won’t be at all
The year 2023 will be marked by resilience for businesses. Anticipating to understand signals, managing emerging threats, planning and responding to unforeseen difficulties. Thinking the unthinkable because anticipation is the ultimate competitive advantage of organisations. But how do you anticipate what you can’t predict? ( ... )read more.

Companies don't do each other any favours
The festive season is a time when companies are on the go and launching bold and creative strategies to shine as brightly as the most beautiful ball on the tree. So how do you win the hearts of consumers in the face of this competition? ( ... )read more.

Corporate mission and vision: how to define them?
So, dear companies, has St. Nicholas come by? At Apollo Strategists, he brought you good news: you’re on the right track to defining your corporate mission and vision. Yes, you know how to differentiate them. Our survey confirms it. Eighty-seven percent of you said it was LinkedIn’s mission, while only 13 percent thought it was the vision. You got it right: LinkedIn defines its mission as “Connecting professionals around the world to make them more successful and productive.” Would you like to know how define your mission, vision and values? ( ... )read more.

From Spain to Luxembourg: meet our new team member!
Spain, Scotland, Belgium, Ireland and… Luxembourg! After a long journey before finding the right place in the professional world, here at our PR firm, Natalia Núñez Bolaño became the newest member of Apollo officially joined the team last month in the capacity of Communication Project Manager. ( ... )read more.

AUGUST 15 2022
Zoé's holiday job
We are delighted to have Zoé Kauffman in our team for her holiday job Apollo Strategists. ( ... )read more.

NOVEMBER 22 2022
Social media trends 2023: a consum'actor that knows what he wants
The main challenge for companies in 2023? Getting to know the customer. That’s what emerges from “Social media trends 2023”, Talkwalker’s eighth annual report, published this year in collaboration with Khoros. The report shows that customers are more volatile than ever: less patient, more demanding. So, how do you listen to these new consumers to create opportunities? How can you interact with them the right way? ( ... )read more.

NOVEMBER 15 2022
Art and communication: the best of both worlds
Art and communication, two opposing worlds? Art and communication converge, draw from each other, convey a message and seek dialogue. Apollo Strategists looks at these points of convergence and the integration of art into corporate communication strategies, the day after the 8th edition of Luxembourg Art Week, which was held in the heart of the City of Luxembourg and looked to the future by mixing "traditional" works of art and NFT ( ... )read more.

Keep talking!
For economic decision makers, because they are more and more exposed on the media, they must build their own path in the media jungle – which is why they are receiving training or support on their communication approach. They do what they call “media training” to learn how to convey their message, find the right attitudes, the right expressions, always while staying authentic, with transparent words and deeds. ( ... )read more.

Making a splash without making noise
Having the right information remains a necessity for companies to communicate, just as they need to know what is being said about them in the media and have information on developments in their sector. Media monitoring, an unavoidable part of any business communication strategy, is a driving force for competitiveness that keeps you informed in a relevant and continuous way. It grants you the means to implement a public relations strategy that conveys the right messages, to the right people, at the right time. ( ... )read more.

JULY 20 2022
Communication rhymes with anticipation
Crises often trigger a wave of panic among companies that are afraid of being not prepared enough to weather the storm. A crisis, when well-managed, creates a real opportunity for the company which can prepare its structure for the future. Crises reshuffle the cards, they upset just as much as they open up new fields to explore. A company that manages to get through a crisis is one that seized the opportunity to identify new growth levers and adapt the structure of their organization in order to build for the future. ( ... )read more.

JUNE 22 2022
Values - the backbone of a company
An organization based on a strategy of transparency - rooted in strong values, a mission, and a vision - rich with a culture shared by all employees, is no doubt the Holy Grail for any organisation. In this era of transparency made imperative, we no longer want messages that rings hollow, but we rely on authentic and meaningful communication. ( ... )read more.

MAY 24 2022
Slow and steady wins the race
Probably good advice for the 12.000 runners who are going to cross the starting line this Saturday 28 May on the occasion of Luxembourg’s number one sporting event! In a world where immediacy is queen, the hare is in the spotlight and the tortoise is champing at the bit. Yet, in a company’s journey towards achieving its goals, patience may well be a virtue. ( ... )read more.

MAY 10 2022
The changing role of PR against a backdrop of crisis
Yesterday we celebrated a Europe turned upside down by an unstable geopolitical context. Against the backdrop of the crisis, Apollo Strategists stresses the importance of corporate transparency, to maintain trust and deal with fake news and propaganda, which is being played out more than ever on social media. The role of communications is changing and the lines between PR and marketing are becoming increasingly blurred. But while the two are distinct, they are also complementary. ( ... )read more.

MAY 3 2022
Freedom of the media: cover up this news which I cannot see
Reporters Without Borders published its annual World Press Freedom Index for 2022. Luxembourg has dropped from 20th to 21st place. So what better time than World Press Freedom Day to remind people of the importance of journalists' independence? ( ... )read more.

APRIL 26 2022
That’s one (not so) small step for communications… one giant leap for the entrepreneur!
While the desire to be entrepreneurial had been tickling her for some years, her husband regularly reminded her to put this seemingly slumbering dream into action. After all, it's true -why wait? Pascale Kauffman had a clear understanding of the market's needs, so all that was needed was to get started. ( ... )read more.

APRIL 8 2022
Product recall: how to manage crisis communication?
Product recall: how to manage crisis communication? Find Pascale Kauffman's interview in a Paperjam article, with some tips for managing communication in the event of a product recall. The key words: anticipation, planning, transparency, availability and monitoring. ( ... )read more.

MARCH 30 2022
On its 10th anniversary, Apollo Strategists takes on new challenges
With 10 years of experience in communications advisory, Apollo Strategists is moving upmarket to meet new challenges and develop its expertise ( ... )read more.

MARCH 23 2022
10 years for Apollo Strategists - The tree hiding the forest … and the stars
10 years already, filled with unforgettable memories of accompanying enterprises in organizing good times and managing more delicate ones ( ... )read more.

DECEMBER 23 2021
Holiday office closure notice
This is the time of the year where we, as a team, take a week off, spend quality time with our beloved ones and refuel our batteries. ( ... )read more.

Colour to liven up business attire
In the October issue of Paperjam, Pascale Kauffman talks about her signature style and the role colour plays in brightening up the wardrobe. ( ... )read more.

AUGUST 3 2021
A (somewhat different) conversation with Nathalie, a student who worked at Apollo this summer!
Let us introduce you to Nathalie Schroeder, our intern at Apollo Strategists for the month of July! After reading the short (and funny) interview, you’ll understand why she came back a second time. ( ... )read more.

JUNE 30 2021
Please meet Kai!
Kai Knudson, our Austrian American though Luxembourgish-at-heart intern at Apollo Strategists, surprised us with his quick wits and hands-on approach. We loved his humour and good company. So how did Kai live through his internship at Apollo, what did he like, what experience did he make? Please meet Kai. ( ... )read more.

APRIL 1 2021
“The Job Shadow Day – a huge opportunity!”
... says Pierre (Pit) Roth, high school student and trainee for a day at Apollo Strategists. As graduation comes closer ( ... )read more.

MARCH 25 2021
365 days of building muscles
Burning hard as you prepare for change and come out of the crisis first and best. In order to do so, you will have to ( ... )read more.

MARCH 23 2021
365 days ago…
We continue to wonder what ducks do during the winter. How do they survive? Where is their shelter? ( ... )read more.

MARCH 18 2021
365 days before...
We thought that the day after tomorrow would be better than the day before yesterday. We thought that we were asked to hold our horses for some weeks and that the race would start again, soon! ( ... )read more.

MARCH 11 2021
How communication & PR trigger business resilience strategy and first-hand experience?
As the main objective for companies remains resilience - the ability to survive and energize the business through unpredictable, changing and potentially adverse events - communication has to adopt, drive change and boost business. ( ... )read more.

Expertise Sharing Workshop
Book your spot now for this March 11 #SharingExpertise Workshop lead by Pascale Kauffman and get answers to questions like: What are the essentials of communication in changing times? Did you optimize what you learned so far, in terms of content and budget shifting? ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 29 2021
Emotions outweigh information
Emotions outweigh information – says Talkwalker in a study on social media trends for 2021 – and what better way to create emotional customer connections through social networks? ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 1 2021
Embrace the new year
Last year, we at Apollo kept a list of all the beautiful things that we lived through with you, our clients, partners and us, colleagues. ( ... )read more.

DECEMBER 18 2020
Even better!
Let us take an optimistic look at this crisis which is an accelerator for the digitalization of events. Companies are reinventing themselves and transforming their physical encounters into digital events to maintain an essential relation with their customers. ( ... )read more.

NOVEMBER 20 2020
Can anyone help this man?
Sometimes crisis communication advice is useless…says the crisis communication expert!? Now you’re wondering whether we as Apollo experts surrendered ( ... )read more.

NOVEMBER 17 2020
Communication advice from Pascale Kauffman / Paperjam magazine - November 2020
Discover in Paperjam Magazine - November 2020, Pascal Kauffman's advice which highlights the essential transformations to be considered in order to get off to a good start and ensure the long term success of your company. "A communication strategy that reinforces the resilience of an organization is based on the awareness, identification, analysis of the organizational change internally and the outside world". ( ... )read more.

MAY 15 2020
A new interview available about the strategy post-COVID-19!
"Communication tips and insights” by Apollo Strategists is a series of Interviews where we ask Pascale Kauffman, founder and Manager of Apollo Strategists, for tips and insights in the field of Strategic Communications, Media Relations, Public Affairs and Crisis Management. Discover our second interview that will give you tips on how to build a strategy post-COVID-19 for your company ( ... )read more.

MAY 2 2020
Discover the full version of our webinar on Communication Post-COVID19: Strategy & Tools
You did not have the chance to join us for our webinar on Communication Post-COVID19: Strategy & Tools ? We give you the opportunity to watch the replay! ( ... )read more.

APRIL 23 2020
Adada: Manifesto with Pascale Kauffman about the importance for advertisers to keep communicating. (Only available in French)
For the past two weeks, companies have been focusing on themselves, going through the hard times of organizing home office, family leave, submitting their support requests, and much more. While maintaining and expressing the deep empathy we have for our loved ones, customers and partners, it is now time to look ahead, make good use of the time during the lockdown and prepare companies for the recovery. ( ... )read more.

APRIL 21 2020
Our experts are on Youtube!
Our new Youtube channel is available! Discover our first interview that will give you tips on effective crisis preparation ( ... )read more.

APRIL 16 2020
Discover the full version of our webinar on crisis communication (only in French)
You did not have the chance to join us for our webinar on crisis communication? We give you the opportunity to watch the replay! ( ... )read more.

APRIL 1 2020
Summary of the webinar about crisis communication given by Pascale Kauffman on
The current containment shows us that every company must be prepared for crisis communication. It must be prepared down to the smallest details without leaving nothing to chance, explained Pascale Kauffman, during the Paperjam Club's first webinar. ( ... )read more.

MARCH 31 2020
Interview with Pascale Kauffman through an analysis of the ministers' speeches on
There was hardly a day since the start of the health crisis without a minister speaking to give an update on the situation. In an interview published on, Pascale Kauffman, Managing Director of Apollo Strategists ( ... )read more.

MARCH 30 2020
Webinar on crisis communication (only in French)
Book March 31st in your agenda! During this period, crisis communication becomes central. Difficult to set up and complicated to manage? ( ... )read more.

MARCH 27 2020
Question & thought of the day
What attitude to adopt towards the media today? ( ... )read more.

MARCH 23 2020
Interview with Pascale Kauffman on the rules of crisis communication on
How do the authorities inform about this health crisis? In an interview published on, Pascale Kauffman, Managing Director of Apollo Strategists ( ... )read more.

DECEMBER 12 2019
A penny for your thought- 5G arriving in Luxembourg
In the late 90ies, beginning of the new century every European Telco conference featured at least one panel with experts discussing the digital gap or digital divide: the uneven distribution ( ... )read more.

OCTOBER 8 2019
In a race for a more sustainable world, how much does fear and glory drive the development of space technology?
Quite a lot we think. It’s important to bear in mind that the Space Age was a kind of perfect storm of conditions: incredible technological achievements at hand after WWII, convenient arch-enemies, head of States who needed a “win” ( ... )read more.

MAY 3 2019
The Chicken and the Egg- press freedom in commercial media
Hats off to Norway ranking first in the 2019 World Press Freedom Index compiled by Reporters Without Borders (RSF). The report states that ( ... )read more.

MARCH 1 2019
Communication is a science
an interview with Pascale Kauffman, Managing Director of Apollo Strategists. Pascale Kauffman shares her view on strategic communications, crisis communication and her role as mentor and discusses her many influences and sources of inspiration. ( ... )read more.

JUNE 13 2018
Freespace, -which happens to be the title of this year’s Biennale of Architecture in Venice, which we loved and highly recommend to visit - stands for achievements but for some unfortunate challenges these days in Luxembourg as well ( ... )read more.

APRIL 27 2018
DAX 30 companies increasingly sharing annual results on social media
For the second year in a row, FTI Consulting examined how Germany’s DAX 30 companies used social media to publicize their financial results for the 2017 fiscal year ( ... )read more.

MARCH 1 2018
Space here, space there, space everywhere!
Don’t promise the moon! Luxembourg is in space fever and it is right to be so. While leafing through the latest edition of business magazines ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 18 2018
Reputation triggers early redemption
IT group Rcarré (Rgroupe) accelerates the process of buying the remaining 45% of its support PFS and changes its brand- not only, but also- for reputation purposes ( ... )read more.

JANUARY 8 2018
Get your communication strategy implemented in Q1!
As Luxembourg prepares for general elections in October, reaching business scopes in the first half of 2018 will be key. Luxembourg’s business slowly ( ... )read more.