Apollo Strategists is an independent Luxembourg PR advisory company specialized in strategic communications, crisis communications, media relations, reputation management and public & government affairs.

Sharing expertise.

MAY 24 2022

Slow and steady wins the race

Probably good advice for the 12.000 runners who are going to cross the starting line this Saturday 28 May on the occasion of Luxembourg’s number one sporting event! In a world where immediacy is queen, the hare is in the spotlight and the tortoise is champing at the bit. Yet, in a company’s journey towards achieving its goals, patience may well be a virtue.

More haste, less speed

Companies, just like the athlete who begins its marathon, have every interest in hastening slowly, and moving forward with perseverance and caution towards the desired objectives. Speed does not necessarily rhyme with efficiency.

Both guided by objectives, main and intermediate, with moments of success as well as more delicate stages, sport and business share real synergies. Whether you are an athlete or an entrepreneur, setting clear and achievable goals is essential for the success of your project.

Going the extra mile

Rather than putting one’s shirt on speed, companies therefore have an interest in surpassing themselves and putting the little extra effort into supporting their customers on a daily basis: saving them time, money, and lend an ear, ready to assist them. Join forces and focus on the same goals.

Just like the Luxembourg Marathon organisers call them "no wimps" who are about to go the extra mile on the 42.195 km course, the experts at Apollo Strategists are striving to go that little bit further, to do that “extra mile”.

We'll be cheering on the marathoners this Saturday, from refreshment point 13, Place de Paris, which we will host with a team of colleagues, partners, friends and family! See you on Saturday?

Author: Jennifer Pierrard